Table Mountain Dental

Oral Surgery in Arvada, CO

Oral Surgery in Arvada, CO


Wisdom tooth extraction involves removing the four permanent molar teeth located at the top and bottom back corners of the mouth. These molar teeth begin to emerge between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five. Most often, the wisdom teeth do not have sufficient space to grow correctly in our mouths. And hence they have to be extracted to prevent painful dental issues.

Wisdom teeth very rarely grow up straight and can also come sideways, causing even more issues if you don’t take timely action. Our office, Table Mountain Dental in Arvada, offers routine and effective oral surgery to safely remove your wisdom teeth and help maintain your oral health.

What Problems Can Wisdom Teeth Cause?

Several issues can be caused by wisdom teeth, including:

  • Extreme sensitivity of the teeth
  • Discoloration and decay of a tooth
  • Fractures or chips of a tooth
  • Pain when biting and chewing
  • Injury and trauma of a tooth
  • Persistent tooth pain

Why Should the Wisdom Tooth Need to Be Removed?

There are several reasons a wisdom tooth may have to be removed, including:

  • To prevent gum disease
  • To create more space for other molar teeth
  • Prevent bacterial accumulation and infections
  • To improve oral health
  • To avert damage of jawbone, nerve, or neighboring tooth 
  • To correct the alignment of the jawbone and teeth 
  • Prevent the formation of tumors or cysts

How Is Wisdom Tooth Surgery Performed?

A preliminary oral exam and X-ray will help us evaluate the condition of the wisdom tooth and plan its removal. If swelling, pain, or infection is present before the extraction, a course of antibiotics will have to be taken.

Before the surgery for the wisdom teeth extraction, anesthesia will be administered for the patient’s comfort. If additional relaxation is required, we have several sedation options. Once the patient is completely sedated, the tissue and bone around the wisdom teeth are removed. This is done to ensure the smooth extraction of the wisdom tooth. Then the wisdom tooth is extracted. 

Next, the gums are sutured, which generally aids in a faster healing time and minimal bleeding. Finally, we will place gauze over the wound to help the blood clot and control the bleeding. Once the surgery is concluded, the patient can rest in the recovery room.

What Is the Aftercare for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

After the wisdom tooth surgery, you should follow specific instructions for faster healing and recovery. An ice compress can help ease swelling, and gauze can be applied over the surgical site to control bleeding. A soft foods diet should be eaten for a few days, while spicy, solid, and chewy foods should be avoided. A course of antibiotics and painkillers can be taken. 

Contact us at Table Mountain Dental in Arvada, CO 80004, today at (720) 749-2711 to fix an appointment and learn more about wisdom tooth extraction surgery.


6410 Miller St #15,
Arvada, CO 80004

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT By Appointment only


6410 Miller St #15, Arvada, CO 80004

Office Hours

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

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Phone: (720) 749-2711